
Sweet Heart Breakfast:)

Most mornings, my favorite breakfast is simply some fresh fruit.

Since I am still in a romantic mood for Valentine's Day on Sunday, I thought I would make a sweet but special fruit plate.

In a perfect world, this would be brought to me in bed...haha!

So easy even a child could make this...

1. Cut a heart shape out from the center of a nice juicy slice of cantaloupe. I had heart shaped cutters, but it can be done with a knife.

2. Fill with assorted berries or fruit, some may be cut into heart shapes:)

3. Garnish plate with whole strawberries and mint if desired.

The top picture shows a recycled paper heart that I will be using to decorate a card. Click here to see how it was made:)

Hope you get a chance to make this sweet valentine breakfast, or better yet, receive it!!!


  1. I just love the colors of all the fruit....so pretty and so playful and fun!


  2. you are too cute with your hearts! =)

  3. This is so beautiful! and since I am the only one loving fruits for breakfast, I should receive it!lol!

    You are so inspiring ;-]


  4. What an incredibly cute idea! You NEED to have this brought to you in bed. ;-) (I'm showing my kids...maybe they will remember this for mother's day) LOL!

  5. I appreciate your comments, everyone!

    {{BIG HUGS}}}

  6. That is so neat, what a great Valentine's breakfast!

    Also, I 've got an award for you for bringing a little sunshine into my life.


  7. I love this! Beautiful pictures. I need to show this to my husband :)

  8. I LOVE it! You're so clever. :) What a wonderful idea for a VDay breaky.

  9. Your blog is so inspiring! Thank you for all your wonderful posts :)

  10. Really! Posts are clearly great here! I love fruits and i know eating fruits make us all healthy.. God Bless!
