Naming this blog was an easy task. You may have heard of the SAD diet. Being a raw foodie is just the opposite of SAD...HAPPY!!!!

The main reason my kitchen is happy, is the fact that I am so happy.
Eating raw food makes me feel energetic and healthy.
There are vibrant colors, textures, and scents.
I feel good about the food I buy.
I have very little waste from my food preparation.
I can make (almost) anything I crave from my happy raw kitchen!
Below is a picture of my refrigerator.There are all kinds of peppers, kale, spinach, herbs, avocado, eggplant, jicama, cauliflower, broccoli, sprouts, scallions, almonds, walnuts, and pecans in the shells, carrots, celery, beets, coconut, Thai coconut, raw mayo, apples, pears, lemons, limes, grapefruit,and some assorted grains.Oh yeah, one lonely cherimoya!
In the freezer, there are a bunch of peeled bananas, and containers of raw coconut, chocolate and strawberry ice creams.I also have some assorted fruit frozen. I like some frozen for smoothies, and I freeze some that look like they will go bad before I can use them. Always frozen and ready to go, the insert for the ice cream maker!
Since I am the only raw foodie in my house, this is a smaller fridge, just for me:) The rest of my family has a full size fridge. All items are organic when possible

Here is a picture of my pantry. Stored in the glass jars are an assortment of grains, beans, seeds, nuts, dried fruit such as goji berries, currants, raisins, coconut and some home dehydrated strawberries, banana slices, crackers, cookies, chips, and my own raw (zucchini, jicama, and eggplant) bacon!
Bottles of oils, vinegars, and agave.
There are packages of lucuma, maca, mesquite,cocoa powder,and dried spices.
I am sure I forgot to name a few things, but you get the idea!

Shopping is very easy on the raw food diet. My food choices are picked from the produce section and the bulk food bins of the regular market and in my local health food store/co-op. There are a few other items like oils, vinegars, capers, olives and salt.
I frequent a small Asian market for the young Thai coconuts. They do carry them in my regular market and health food store, at twice the price!
Superfood supplement items, such as lucuma powder, are the only things I have ever had to order online, and I only did that quite recently.
With these staples, I can make almost any thing I desire. Many times I will get an idea, or see a recipe that looks interesting, and it is nice to have the ingredients ready to go.
Some jars contain sprouted and dehydrated grains and nuts so they are recipe ready.