Hi everyone! Remember me? :)
First, I wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who contacted me about my raw Halloween recipes. I appreciate so many lovely people linking to my blog and asking to feature my recipes and ideas the last few weeks.
It was also very awesome to find out my little boo~nanners had actually appeared on T.V. and that many Whole Foods also featured them at in-store demos for the kiddies:) It made me so happy to think that lots of little ones were enjoying a nice healthy treat this year:) Thanks so much everyone for letting me know!!!
I am in our new home in Florida (just outside Tallahassee), although we are still in the process of moving. The hubs is about to make the fifth trip from New York! I will probably return to New York after next week to finish packing the house there.
Of course the big move is taking longer than expected, but we are not stressing out about it and are actually having fun most times:) I finally got a computer hooked up here, and couldn't wait to "see" you all again! I have missed you so much. The four digit number on my Google reader is a bit overwhelming though, lol!
During the move, it's been very easy to stay raw. Most of the food while traveling is on the simple side. This is a variation of my Raw Cranberry Salad, using a honeycrisp apple in place of the pear. Check out the neat little travel spork:)

So many things are new for me right now, including a new raw food book! I am sure many of you have Alissa Cohen's latest book, Raw Food For Everyone.
I am loving it so far, and can't wait for the rest of my happy raw kitchen to arrive so I can try more recipes.
Today I made the Asian Cucumber Salad...
...and the Bromelain Brew.
Both were fantastic. I was so happy to have a juice combination that I have never tried after many years of juicing. Thanks, Alissa!
My favorite part of this gorgeous hard-cover book is the 300 recipes. In the following photo, the entire right side of the open book shows the recipe section.
Awesome, huh? Many of the recipes are from Alissa's famous Grezzo restaurant in Boston, which is now closed. I can't wait to try the Grezzo Cheese and some of the fancier recipes in the book, like the incredible looking Avocado Skins, Gnocchi Carbonara, and Land and Sea. I hope to post more about this book in the near future:) I would love to know if you have tried anything from it yet...any recommendations?
Well, as you can imagine there are a few hundred:) things to be done right about now, just wanted to say hi!
{{{Hugs}}} and love to all,