~ETA!!!~ I was also honored to receive this award from Joanna...Thank you:)
~ETA, again!~ I was surprised and delighted to be honored once again by Marlie! Thank you so much for thinking of me:)
~ETAA, again:)!! The lovely Julia was kind enough to bestow this wonderful award on me one more time! Thank you, Julia:)
~Edited once more to thank Christopher aka Raw Berry Boy who was so sweet and offered this award to each of his followers! Thanks so much to you and your Oma for sharing the love:)
~1/14/10~I am thrilled once again to be given this award by Melissa of the blog Contagious Health. Thank you, Melissa!
I am so honored and thrilled to be awarded this from such lovely friends:)
Now, here are the award rules, copied and pasted from Pam's blog:
First: Copy the award image in your post.

Then, list 10 things that make you happy, try to do at least one of them today, and tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day.
For those 10 bloggers who get the award, you must link back to my blog!....the last part..only if you want too...lol!!!
Let the fun begin!
10 things that make me happy:
1. My wonderful family, always number one! I am including my two loving pets here, because I think of them as part of my family. I love to talk to relatives that live far away, like my Mom and Dad in Florida.
2. My beautiful surroundings. I try to get out every day to enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds me in the mountains where I live. I especially love going to the top of a mountain, makes me feel like I am on top of the world…hehe.
3. Making raw food! This one is no surprise, right? I love trying new recipes I find and creating new recipes of my own.
4. Food shopping ! I look forward to the weekend when we go shopping at all my favorite stores, like the co-op, and Asian market . I don’t plan what I am going to make, so it is always a wonderful surprise to see what is available and/or on sale. I love having a well stocked pantry and fridge so I can make lots of yummy eats!
5. Blogging makes me happy! I started this blog as sort of a creative outlet for myself. I love to share my recipes, as well as other peoples creations I try. What I did not know was how much I would be getting back from all of you. I am truly overwhelmed by all of your wonderful support . {{hugs}}
I am also including reading your blog here, if you happen to have one! I am discovering awesome new blogs weekly and my Google reader is about to blow!
6. Crafting is a passion that bring me so much happiness. I love to create something new from items that might be thrown away, like my paper recycling I recently shared:)
7. Traveling is one thing that has always made me happy. I love to go to a place I have never been to. One of my favorite places to visit while traveling is a museum or historic home in the area.
8.Getting a card or letter from one of the kids I used to care for in my daycare. It makes me very happy to know the kiddies remember me and think about me. Having a daycare for 12 years was the best “job” I ever had. Remembering all the little ones I nurtured makes me happy.
9. Doing random acts of kindness. Can’t go into details because that is part of it!
10. Taking care of my family….this includes all the things like cooking (gasp) and cleaning…hehe! I guess you could say I am “old-fashioned”, but my family seems to appreciate all the little things I do for them.
Tagging 10 other bloggers that make me happy, in no particular order:)
bitt(Aimee) from A Bitt of Raw
Joyce of Beautiful Living Food
Joanna of Promoting the Rawfood Diet While Debunking the Myths
Pam from A Love for NEW Recipes
barefoot and frolicking from Barefoot and Frolicking
Fayinagirl from Gluten-Free Vegan Family
Michal from Lil Earth Muffin
Gena from Choosing Raw
La Mamma Natuale' from Recycle Your Day
snowdrop of Adirondack Raw Food Connection
Thanks again to Pam, Fayinagirl, Joanna, Marlie, Julia, Christopher, and Melissa for this lovely award!!!
Whew...but wait...Do I get to pick 10 more since I got this award twice???...just sayin:)
Oh well, I tried!!!
How about an easy and delicious recipe idea instead?
Since one thing that makes me happy is trying new recipes, I wanted to share the one I made today:)

Although I love making wonderful gourmet raw recipes, the bulk of what I eat on a daily basis is usually something very simple. Today I made a recipe I noticed while searching for holiday recipes for my Thanksgiving raw recipe post.
It is called Christmas Kale by Jennifer Cornbleet It is a wonderful kale salad that should lend itself to many yummy variations. Tomato can easily replace the red pepper, and I bet it is awesome with the addition of any fresh herb. Today I put in a few tiny oregano leaves since I had some:)
ETA~ above recipe link may no longer be valid, recipe is also posted here:)
Thanks to the lovely Jennifer Cornbleet for this delicious recipe!
OK, now this is for sure my last post until next year...hehe
Have a safe and wonderful night, see you next decade:)