With Thanksgiving only a few weeks away, many of us have been thinking of the Thanksgiving menu.
We sometimes relate holidays with the meal itself. It's hard not too!
I bet if you say the word "Thanksgiving" to most non-vegan people, they will say "turkey".
But I just thought of this pie that I made last year. It was so yummy! It is from poemomm at goneraw.
Click here for the recipe.

I can still think about food for the holidays, just raw, vegan, healthy food!!!:)

Many raw foodies stress out about the holidays and worry about staying raw.
But don't worry, there are tons of raw holiday recipes on the internet.
Google it and see!
I will be posting links for raw vegan thanksgiving recipes and ideas as I find them here:
The famous
Fruit Gobbler turkey centerpiece from Family Fun...omit cheese:)
Here is the link for the Thanksgiving recipes at Gone Raw
An entire blog dedicated to surviving the holidays, with awesome looking recipes!!!!
Look at the raw vegan
Thanksgiving menu at Pure Food and Wine. WOW!
Much of the
Thanksgiving Take-away menu from One Lucky Duck is in Sarma's latest book, Living Raw Food. It is awesome!
Check my post on it!
Raw Food Life gathered these yummy looking raw vegan holiday recipes.
My own raw veggie "turkey" platter:)
The Juiciest Turkey Ever:)
A very
Sweet Lil' Turkey
My Pilgrim Hat Brownies
Remember you can make little sweet potato punkins!
CranBanApple Parfait by Mike Lieberman
Raw Cranberry Salad
Raw Caponata Turkey:)
Please feel free to send me any links to your own blogs or anywhere else you have a favorite Thanksgiving recipe and I will be happy to include your link here:)

I must say, I do envy those of you who have other family members who eat raw. This must make holiday get-togethers so much easier:)
I would love to be able to prepare an entirely raw Thanksgiving feast. But alas, I am the only one who eats raw around here.
So here is how I look at it.
I think of 'the holidays' as only two meals I need to worry about, not an entire season. One meal on Thanksgiving, and one on Christmas. Almost every other meal I have around this time is healthy, raw, and vegan.
I still love to have the family over to our house for holidays, especially since I am the one doing all the cooking:)
I still prepare a typical Thanksgiving meal complete with the 'T' word. I always include lots of side dishes that are vegan. Many are raw and some are cooked.
As you may know, I do eat a small amount of cooked vegan occasionally, a little on weekends if I have no other choice, and at family events like holidays.
Once we are all at the table, everyone helps themselves to the food. I don't really look to see what anyone else has on their plate, and no one seems to notice what is on mine. We are all together at the same table, enjoying a meal, laughing, joking, loving each others company and that is what matters. The food is secondary to everything else.
The little ones do have to eat most of their veggies before we...I mean they... go play with the play-doh:)
If I go somewhere else for a festive occasion, I bring a
fresh fruit platter and a
fresh veggie platter for everyone (including me!) to enjoy.

Now, you may be surprised to know that as a vegan, I have been enjoying turkey all morning!
Don't worry, I haven't abandoned vegan-ism.

Hee hee, did I scare you?
There are several flocks of
wild turkeys that wander around my neighborhood every day! I love watching them! They are in the yard so often the dog doesn't even get up anymore when he sees them:)
These were in my backyard this morning

I just love to ummmm....shoot them....with my camera of course!!!!

This one did not realize I was about 5 feet away.

Until now!! She took off like
the roadrunner...beep beep!

These turkeys are stuffed...

...with fresh apples...sorry:)

See, you can still enjoy the holidays, including turkey, if you are a raw vegan!!!

Here is a little food for thought:
If you haven't read this post yet, check it out:
Gena's thought provoking post about what food is not!
I wanted to add an observation of mine...something we often say had me thinking the other day.
People often say "What do you
feel like eating?"
This harmless little question says a lot about the way people choose what they eat.
Just once I would love to hear "What should we choose to eat that would nourish us and keep us healthy" LOL!!! Sounds funny right? I guess that's why I never hear that!
How about just saying "What do you
think we should eat?":)
Think about it:)
Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, or should I say "Happy